
More screenshots.  Video Tutorial below...

Module Visualisation - New! 🎉

Visualising Python modules themselves is really useful because not all code is inside a class!

Pynsource can visualise Python Modules as UML boxes. So not only can classes can be represented visually - modules can too! 🎉

👉 Remember, modules are simply Python .py files.

Module variables and function names are included in the visualisation and are shown in the UML box shape.

It turns out that
- variables in a module are perfectly represented in what would otherwise be the 'attributes' section of a UML box.
- functions in modules are perfectly represented in what would otherwise be the 'methods' section of a UML box.

Module UML Boxes show what classes are defined inside them using dotted lines - this is really handy for keeping track of relationships between modules.

Video Tutorial #1

Covering: Basic Usage of the Pynsource application including creating classes and joining them together. Editing classes, laying out diagrams, reverse engineering existing Python source code. Changing line types, between association, generalisation (inheritance) and composition. Switching between main UML view, PlantUML view and Ascii view - the latter you can paste into your source code!

Duration 4 mins.

Video Tutorial #2 - Visualising Python modules

Visualising Python modules themselves is really useful because not all code is inside a class!
Duration 3.5 mins.

Note: Visualising Python modules is a Pro feature.